History: The Russo-Japanese War

The Russo-Japanese war was a fight between the Russian empire and the Empire of Japan that lasted from 1904 to 1905. It started as a rivalry for dominance in Korea and Manchuria. The Russians wanted to extend the Trans-Siberian Railroad into a warmer area for strategic purposes and pressured China into letting them lease a port on the Liaodong Peninsula. However, when the Trans-Siberian Railroad was built it lacked proper transportation facilities and had limited how many troops and supplies were in Manchuria(it was unsecured). The Japanese were worried about the growing Russian influence in the region. Since the Russian army had a history of military aggression the Japanese originally wanted to make a deal with Russia. The Japanese offered to cease control of Manchuria to Russia as long as they could still maintained control over Korea. The Russians didn’t agree, wanting Korea North to be a neutral area. When negotiating failed the Japanese launch a surprise attack on Russia at the newly made navy port, Port Arthur, starting the war with the Battle of Port Arthur(February 8, 1904). The Russians were reluctant to leave the harbor because of the recent death of Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov who died on the Petropavlovsk in an attempt to break pass a blockade. The Japanese then attempted to launch another attack against Russia but it only resulted in many Japanese casualties. At the Battle of Liaoyang, the Japanese were able to push the Russian army back to Port Arthur from the sea, causing the Russians to send more troops to defend the area. Over the next year there were many battles and casualties, but by 1904 the Japanese navy had nearly sunk all the ships in the Russian’s navy fleet. In early 1905 a Russian commander of the Port Arthur’s garrison had surrendered, believing the port was no longer worth defending since they faced so many losses. Then the remaining Russian fleet were defeated at the Battle of Yellow Sea causing the Russian Empire to mobilize the Baltic Fleet. On May 27, 1905, the Battle of Tsushima Strait began when a Russian fleet attempted to sneak past a Japanese barracked at night, but were spotted. The war ended with the Treaty of Portsmouth, were Russia agreed to recognize Korea as part of the Japanese sphere of influence and withdrew their troops from Fort Arthur and Manchuria. The war however left a negative impact on both countries; leaving Japan nearly bankrupt and becoming one of the causes of the Russian Revolution. (Article) (Learn more)

Random Facts #11

  • Hot water is likely to turn to ice faster than cold water
  • Camels have three eyelids to protect against blowing sand
  • Every person in the US are likely to have at least two credit cards
  • Theobromine is the toxin in chocolate that affects a dogs heart and nervous system making it dangerous for them
  • The book most likely to be stolen from a library is the “Guinness book of records”
  • The first pizza ever delivered was in 1889 by the Queen of Italy.
  • When you sneeze your heart stops for a millisecond, that’s why people say “Bless you”
  • You can buy eel flavored ice cream in Japan
  • To some people, writing in red ink can be offensive.
  • Bobcats are the most common wild in North America, but they are rarely ever seen
  • the largest salamander in to world is from China
  • A good time to take a nap in between 1 PM and 2 PM
  • France in the most visited country in the world
  • Las Vegas gambling casinos don’t have clocks in them
  • The only royal palace in the US is the IoIani Palace in Honolulu
  • Mexico City is believed to be sinking 10x faster than Venice
  • Russia is home to many rare animals like the Snow Leopard, Polar Bear, Pika and Asiatic Black bear
  • Asiatic Black Bear is also known as the moon bear, or Ursus thibetanus( the bear with the white patch on it’s chest shaped like an sideways crescent moon)
  • The most famous animal in Russia is the Siberian Tiger, which is the largest cat in the world
  • There are 12 active volcanoes in Russia
  • Alaska was sold to the US in 1867 by Russia for $118 million
  • Alaska is 1 718 000 km² in area
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